Up Configuration Editor

4.2 Editing the configuration of a check

You can enable or disable checks by checking or unchecking the checkbox on their respective rows. You can also enable or disable all checks at once using the Enable all/none button right above the Enabled column. Clicking a check’s name or description will display its configurations on the right, like shown in Figure 4.2↓. You can now see and/or edit the following:
figure images/ConfigurationEditorCheckSelected.png
Figure 4.2 The Configuration Editor after a check is selected
Selecting a parameter will show the parameter description and its value(s). By default, the first parameter of a check is selected (if there are any) when the check is selected in the checks table. Depending on the data type of the parameter, different components are used to edit the parameter value:
figure images/ConfigurationEditorParameterSelected.png
Figure 4.3 The Configuration Editor after a check and parameter have been selected
Selecting a different check or parameter after editing one will store any edited values so these will not be lost. Clicking Save or Save as... lets you save the configuration file such that the updated configuration file can be used for checking your code. Please note that the configuration file is generated using the global description and the checks and parameters as they are in the Configuration Editor. This means that if your configuration file contained comments or empty lines before, they will no longer be there. If you are editing a predefined configurations file shipped with Code Checker for MATLAB (see Chapter 5↓), the Save button will be disabled because it is not allowed to save configuration files in the folder for predefined configurations. You will have to save the file in a different location.
Up Configuration Editor