Release notes

Release 1.4.0 (September 2024)

  • Merge indentation guidelines into one page.
  • Merge whitespace guidelines into one page.

Release 1.3.0 (May 2023)


  • Created a specific chapter for security related rules.
  • A rule server certificate usage.
  • A rule on not setting the option AllowDoctype to false when reading an XML file.
  • A rule on not using constant variable names as username, loginname, password etc.
  • A rule on not using hard-coded username and or password.


  • Moved the rule about not using eval-functions from the chapter Statements to Security, so STAT-14 became SECURITY-1.
  • Moved the rule about not using the shell escape function from the chapter Statements to Security, so STAT-16 became SECURITY-2.

Release 1.2.0 (October 2022)


  • A rule on consistent naming for class objects.
  • A rule on not instantiating abstract classes.
  • A rule on not using the command syntax.
  • A rule on not using iterator variables outside the for loop.
  • A rule on having the object of the class as the first output of a constructor.
  • A rule on a consistent class object name.
  • A rule on not calling functions with more input arguments than are expected.
  • A rule on classes not implementing properties inherited from superclasses.
  • A rule on not having Java dependencies in your code.
  • A rule on having the same method access permissions as those from of a superclass.

Release 1.1.0 (August 2022)


  • A rule on not using tab characters.
  • A rule on having all properties blocks before all methods blocks in classdef files.
  • A rule on including an else section to ifs that have an elseif section.
  • A rule on not using undocumented MATLAB-installed functions.
  • A rule on not missing method declarations and implementations.
  • A rule on mismatches between input and output declarations and implementations for methods.


  • The descriptions of the severity levels to match those currently used by TIOBE's TICS.
  • The severity levels and priorities of several rules.

Release 1.0.0 (January 2022)

Initial release