Whitespace around blocks of code

TitleSeparate blocks of code by one or more blank lines.
Severity level9
DescriptionSeparate coherent blocks of code by one or more blank lines.
RationaleIncreases the readability of the code.


deltaX          = mean(xIn);
xOut            = xIn - deltaX;
scalingFactor   = newZ / currentZ;
xOut            = xOut .* scalingFactor;
xOut            = xOut + deltaX;

Instead use:

% Shift to origin.
deltaX  = mean(xIn);
xOut    = xIn - deltaX;

% Calculate scaling.
scalingFactor   = newZ / currentZ;
xOut            = xOut .* scalingFactor;

% Shift back.
xOut = xOut + deltaX;