
There are a number of checks available within CC4M. These can be enabled and configured as described in section Configuration Editor. The checks are explained in the following sections. For every check, an exemption tag is given. For more information about this, see section Exemptions. If a check fails, its results hold the following information:

  • A relative path from the root folder to the file in which the violation was encountered.

  • The part of the code that violates the coding standards including a link.

  • The scope of the failing feature/variable (if appliccable).

  • A message stating why the check failed at that location.

  • A link for quickly adding an exemption for the violation.

  • Rule information.

  • Configured check and parameter values.

Note: In the HTML report at most one violation of the same type per line of code will be shown for several checks, this is indicated per check in the following sections.


The checks are organized per topic. some checks could be applicable to more topics, but are mentioned just once. The topics are: