Checks if iterator variables are prefixed with i, j, k etc. Depending on
the parameters for variable casing, this can mean that iterator
variables can be of the form iRow
, jTest
for camel case,
, j_test
for snake case, iROW
for screaming snake
case or irow
, jtest
for lower case. When enabled, this check
fails if:
The iterator variable name does not start with i, j, ..., z.
The first character is not followed by an upper case character (lower/upper camel/snake case), a lower case character (lower case) or an underscore followed by a lower case character (snake case).
Configurable parameters
SubsequentLettering (boolean): True if, in nested for-loops, the starting letters of the iterator names shall be subsequent letters in the alphabet.
MinimumLength (double): The minimum length for iterator variable names, the name should be descriptive. The default value for this parameter is 3 and it can be changed to anywhere between 1 and 20.
UseVariableCasing (boolean): Set to true to use the
parameter fromcheckVariableCasing
to verify the correct casing of the iterator variable. IfcheckVariableCasing
is not configured in the same configuration file,UseVariableCasing
defaults to false.
By maintaining a convention on iterator variables, these can easily be distinguished.
Exemption tag: %@ok<IDXNA>