
Check if any rows lack properly placed commas to separate the elements. Some examples that will be reported as violations by this check and their accepted equivalents:

txt     = ['test ' var ' text.'];
values  = [1 1 2 3 5 8 13];
myCells = {obj1 ,obj2};
multi   = ['The multi-' ...
    'line char array.'];

% Accepted equivalents:
txt     = ['test ', var ', text.'];
values  = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13];
myCells = {obj1, obj2};
multi   = ['The multi-', ...
    'line char array.'];

This check has an auto-fixer as well. Clicking the Fix all button in the report fixes all violations for this check, clicking the Fix all in this file button fixes all violations for this check for one file. The Fix on this line button applies the fix on one individual line. For more information, see Automatic fixes.

When multiple function outputs are not separated by commas, it can reported by . In the HTML report at most one violation of the same type per line of code will be shown for this check.

Exemption tag: %@ok<MCOMM>